A few projects that I worked on over the years.

An Interactive Animatronic Jukebox

I created the random scripted dialogue, computer vision system (Viola Jones face detection algorithm on a Turtlebot), and the electronic control system (servos to track faces) for an interactive jukebox robot. This video provides a demonstration for the various ways you can interact with it.

A Robotic Space Invader Game

Celebrating National Robotics Week, my lab hosted an annual robotics exhibition to showcase our projects. We developed a turn-based robotic Space Invader game, which was popular with children. As a player, the objective was to cross the grid without being “shot” by the robot. We used computer vision to detect human feet, which allowed the robot to compute the most optimal row to shoot.

A Light Show in a Box

I’ve always been enamored with light shows. As part of Cal Poly’s IME156 revamp project, I design a light show in a box (now called the EDM Prism), which flickers and dances to music. It uses a microphone to pick up sounds, and processes the signals using three high-Q (narrow-band) active filters. The output are RGB LEDs, which individually respond to different kinds of sounds separated by three bands: bass (e.g., bass drums, low-synth), mid-range (e.g., vocals, guitar), and treble (e.g., hi-hats). While I have made numerous improvements to the design, this video shows the very first working prototype.